السبت، 10 نوفمبر 2012

Gold's values

Gold is a foundation asset within any long term savings or investment portfolio. For centuries, particularly during times of financial stress and the resulting 'flight to quality', investors have sought to protect their capital in assets that offer safer stores of value. A potent wealth preserver, gold’s stability remains as compelling as ever for today’s investor
As one of the few financial assets that do not rely on an issuer's promise to pay, gold offers refuge from widespread default risk. It offers investors insurance against extreme movements in the value of other asset classes

A number of compelling reasons underpin the widespread renewal of interest in gold as an asset class


Gold Prices for American Gold Eagle Bullion Coins
Gold Prices for Canadian Gold Maple Leaf
Gold Prices for Gold Bullion 
Gold Prices for Krugerrand Gold Coins
American Gold Eagle Bullion Coins
Gold Prices from 6 Gold Dealers
Canadian Gold Maple Leaf
Gold Prices from 4 Gold Dealers
Gold Money Gold Bullion
Gold Prices from 1 Gold Dealer
Krugerrand Gold Coins
Gold Prices from 3 Gold Dealers

Gold Price History Charts

Gold Price History Charts
- 30 and 60 days, 6 months, 1 year
- 2 years, 5 years, 10 years
- 15 years, 20 years
- Up to 36 years
- Available in 27 Currencies.
- Gold Silver Ratio
- Dow Gold Ratio
Gold Price History

الثلاثاء، 6 نوفمبر 2012

Iran is the second largest producer in OPEC


As of January 2011, Iran had an estimated 137 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, 9.3 percent of the world's total reserves and over 12 percent of OPEC reserves. But, well, if one goes by the Iraqi oil minister, the country has 154.8 billion barrels of oil with new discovery of reserves in SouthWest Iran. And, the International Energy Agency has stated that the oil exports from the country stepped down to 1 million barrels a day in July from 1.74 million barrels a day in June.
Further, Iran is the second largest producer in OPEC, next only to Saudi Arabia. Crude exports contribute to about 80 percent of the foreign revenue. How profitable it'd have been for the country, then, to tone down its belligerence. Instead, Iran continues with its threat to block the Strait of Hormuz. This strait is a major oil route for countries in the Persian Gulf, including Iran. In 2011, about 17 million bbl/d flowed through. At its narrowest, the strait is just 21 miles wide. Iran uses this geographical formation to its advantage, threatening to choke the strait, at regular intervals. Sadly, Islamist fundamentalist threaten to take over 20% of the world's oil traffic if the West interferes with their nuke plans

united Sudan's oil output


Essentially, it's religion at play here. The conflict: There's been two civil wars in 1956 and 1983 between a predominantly Arab Islamic North and a Non-Muslim South (Animist and Christian). Not to forget, it's been only six decades-and a few years- since the independence of Sudan itself. About a year ago South Sudan left Sudan putting an end to the civil war. But, things are far from normal. South Sudan is rich in oil with an output of 350,000 barrels per day, in other words, three quarters of a united Sudan's oil output. Naturally, Sudan still has a bad South Sudan hangover. In January, South Sudan shut off its oil production. Ask why? The landlocked country had disagreements over fees to be paid to the North for oil exports through Sudan to the Red Sea port. Rather a bold move, one has to say, as South Sudan depends on oil for up to 98 percent of its state revenue. Well, sadly, the new country didn't have money to buy food or medicine, thus. Last month, both the countries decided to resume exports from South Sudan after an interim agreement. But, according to the Finance Minister of South Sudan, the country would be able to pump only at about seventy per cent of its capacity. A development, nevertheless, even if it takes three months for the oil to reach the Red Sea Terminal at Port Sudan. Also, both the countries have agreed for further talks, which is a good sign. Still, the road ahead is long, so are the problems

Oil by Militias

Takeover of Oil by Militias By TOBIAS VANDERBRUCK for OIL-PRICE.NET 2012

Iraq wars 1 and 2 were fought as much on the ground as in the media. Embedded journalism, the war on terrorism, toppling an evil dictator and spreading freedom were all images used to instill on the public, justification for the invasion of Iraq. These wars were a paid spokesperson's dream come true: immense budgets to convince the public that they were not wars for oil. Most journalists avoided to portray these as wars for oil for the sake of their careers. How the spin doctors worked, you'd be pardoned to believe of a flat Earth the size of Texas. Not without basis, the fact is, anything is justified for oil, even mendacity

الاثنين، 5 نوفمبر 2012

Geology Oil

Geology Oil 
• Tarpf oil geology
Is interested in studying science and methods of oil is formed and migration through the layers is also considering installation of oil and its origin.
• the definition of petroleum
Oil or oil (a word derived from the original Latin, "Petra" which means rock and "oleum" which means oil), also called crude oil, also has a name commonly "black gold", which is a means of thick, flammable, Brown dark green or brown, there is in the top layer of the earth's crust. Sometimes called naphtha, from Persian language ("Navt" or "Navatta" which means its ability to effect). It consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, especially of the alkane series, but differs in appearance, composition and purity strongly from one place to another. It is a source of primary energy sources extremely important (energy statistics in the world). Oil is the raw material for many chemical products, including fertilizers, insecticides, plastics.
• out of oil
Established oil of the total slum buried the bodies of countless of organelles Marine (Plankton) and plant accumulated at the bottom with the articles of rock fragmented in the form of mud has buried the organic material for thousands of years where she had lived in ancient salt water and lakes and evidence for the presence of saline water in areas of petroleum exploration or drilling during the addition to the presence of marine fossils.
It is no secret about it I found out that the recent experience of oil from the marine biologist only fragmented for a period of from four to five months only under certain circumstances.
• Installation of oil
During the liquidation process, is separated by chemical constituents of the oil by fractional distillation, a process of separation based on boiling points relative (or relative volatility). Different products (in order of boiling points), including Algazat light (such as: methane, ethane, propane) as follows: gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel, gasoline, paraffin waxes, asphalt, and so on. And modern techniques such as gas separations, HPLC, Ghazi color separation - mass spectrometer, can separate some fractions of petroleum into individual compounds, and this method of analytical chemistry, often used in the sections of quality control in oil refineries.
To be more precise, the oil consists of hydrocarbons, which in turn is composed of hydrogen, carbon, and some parts of non-carbon, which can contain nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and some small quantities of metals such as vanadium, nickel, and such elements does not exceed 1% installation of oil.
The four lightest alkanes: methane CH4, ethane C2H6, propane, C3H8, Bhutan C4H10. They are all gases. The boiling point of -161.6 C ° and -88 C ° and -42 C ° and -0.5 C °, respectively (-258.9, -127.5, -43.6, -31.1 F °).
The chains in the C5-7 are all light, easily vaporized, clear naphthas. They are used as solvents, dry cleaning fluids, and other quick-drying products. The chains from C6H14 to C12H26 are blended together and used for gasoline. Kerosene is made up of chains C10 to C15, followed by diesel fuel / heating oil in the range of C10 to C20, and is used as fuel oils heavier than that in ship engines. All of these vehicles oil liquid at room temperature. Lubricating oils and semi-solid greases (including Vaseline ®) range from C16 to C20 chains the top of the C20 be solid, starting with paraffin wax, then tar, bitumen, asphalt.
Boiling ranges of the components of oil under the influence of atmospheric pressure in fractional distillation in degrees Celsius:
1. Petroleum ether: 40 - 70 C ° is used as a solvent.
2. Light petrol: 60 - 100 C ° is used as fuel for cars.
3. Heavy petrol: 100 - 150 C ° is used as fuel for cars.
4. Light kerosene: 120 - 150 C ° is used as a solvent and fuel for homes.
5. Kerosene: 150 - 300 C ° is used as fuel for jet engines.
6. Gas oil: 250 - 350 C ° is used as fuel for diesel / heating.
7. 300 C° يستخدم زيت محركات.">Lubrication oil:> 300 C ° is used engine oil.
300 C° يستخدم زيت محركات.">8. Remaining fractions: tar, asphalt, residual fuel.
• oil extraction
In general, the first stage in the extraction of crude oil is to drill wells to reach the underground reservoir. Historically, there are some oil wells in America where oil came naturally to the surface. But most of these fields are implemented, with the exception of some limited number of places in Alaska. And are often dug many wells for the same warehouse, to get on the rate of economic extraction. In some wells may be used to pump water, steam, a mixture of different gases into the reservoir to keep the rates of economic extraction.
In the case of the underground pressure in the reservoir is sufficient, then it will force the oil out of the surface under the influence of this pressure. Gaseous fuels or natural gas are usually present, which increases the pressure of the underground. In this case, the pressure is sufficient to place a sufficient quantity of the valves on the well head to connect the well to a pipeline network for storage, and business operations. This is called the initial oil recovery. And approximately 20% of the oil in the reservoir can be extracted in this way.
During the lifetime of the well pressure decreases, and at some point not be enough to push oil to the surface. And then, if the remaining Ge well enough economically, and often be the case, the extraction of oil remaining in the well in a manner to extract additional oil. See energy balance, and net energy. And different techniques are used in a way to extract additional oil, to extract the oil from the warehouses or low-pressure. Sometimes used, such as pumps, pumping Baltalmbat persistent, deep electric pump (electrical submersible pumps ESPs) to bring the oil to the surface.
And using assistive technology to increase the reservoir's pressure by water injection, natural gas reinjection and gas lift, which injects air, carbon dioxide or other gases into the reservoir. And working methods are both initial and additional extraction of approximately 25 to 35% of the warehouse

The third stage in the extraction of oil depends on oil to reduce the density to increase production. And begin this stage when they can not all the way Alambdip, and the way to extract additional oil, but only after ensuring the feasibility of using this method economically, and whether oil output will cover the production costs and expected profits from the well. It also depends on oil prices at the time, where it is re-run of wells that may have stopped working in the case of high oil prices. Methods of thermally enhanced oil recovery (Thermally-enhanced oil recovery methods TEOR) is a third way in order to extract oil, which rely on heating oil and make it easier to extract. Steam injection is the most widely used techniques in this way, and is often done with (TEOR) through cogeneration. The idea of cogeneration turbine is used (turbine) gas to produce electricity and use waste heat to produce steam, which is injected into the reservoir. This method is used extensively to increase oil production in the San Joaquin Valley, which contains a high density of oil, which represents approximately 10% of U.S. production. A technique used in the method (TEOR), which is burning in - place, where the oil is burned for heating oil around him. And is sometimes used detergents to reduce the density of the oil. The extraction of approximately 5 to 15% of the oil at this point.
• other ways to produce oil
Given the continuing increase in oil prices, are other ways to produce oil of interest. And fix these ideas is to convert coal into oil, which aims to convert coal into crude oil. This was the vision of leading the Germans when he stopped the import of petroleum in the Second World War, Germany found a way to extract oil from coal. And were known as "Iersatz" ("replacement" in German), estimated that half of the oil used in Germany during World War II might have been this way. Has been stopped this way then since the costs of oil production is lower than normal. However, given the continued rise in oil prices, the conversion of coal to oil may be the subject of thinking.
The method involves converting coal ash, oil in the process of multiple stages. In theory, the tons of coal produced Enkeriba 200 liters of crude oil, with products ranging from tar to rare chemicals.
• history of oil
Were drilled the first oil well in Bouhjar in the fourth century AD or earlier. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt. By the tenth century, was the use of bamboo pipes to connect the pipes to the source of salt water.
In the eighth century AD, it is paving new roads in Baghdad, using tar, which was being brought from the candidacies of oil in this region. In the ninth century AD, began the oil fields in Baku, Azerbaijan's oil production in an economical, for the first time. It was these fields are drilled for oil, has been described by the geographical Masudi in the tenth century AD, as well as Marco Polo in the thirteenth century AD, who described the oil out of these wells, saying it's like hundreds of cargo ships. See also the Islamic civilization.
And begins the modern history of oil in 1853, the discovery of oil distillation process. Was distilled oil and get it on kerosene by Ignacy Lukasiewicz, a Polish scientist. It was the first rock oil mine is created in the Purbka, near Krosno in southern Poland, in the following year was to build the first refinery (in fact the distillation) in Iollazofiz, and was also by Lukasiewicz. And these discoveries spread rapidly in the world, and the Mirzov built the first distillery in Russia in the field of natural oil in Baku in 1861.
The U.S. oil industry began Edwin Drake's discovery of oil in 1859, near m Titusvil - Pennsylvania. The growth of the industry slow somewhat in the eighteenth century AD, and was governed by the requirements for kerosene and oil lamps. The issue of national concern in the early twentieth century, at the beginning of the use of the internal combustion engine, which led to increased demand for industry in general on petroleum. Has exhausted the first discoveries in America Bnsvania Ontario, which led to the "oil crisis" in Txasa, Oklahoma, California.
In addition to what has been said, by the 1910 discovery of large oil fields in Canada, the East Indies, Iirano Venezuela, Mexico, were developing their industrial use.
However, even in 1955, coal was the fuel types in the world, and oil began to take its place after that. After the energy crisis of 1973 and the 1979 energy crisis has focused on media coverage of oil supply levels. This has led to highlight the fact that oil is limited and can be implemented, at least as a source of energy economically viable. At present, the most common expectations alarming, if not check these expectations at the time, the removal of these expectations as a way to broadcast entirely reassuring, for example, removal of the alarming prospects of the stock of oil that has been in the seventies of the twentieth century. Remains the future of petroleum as a fuel of the controversy. It is reported in the United States (2004) that there are 40 years of oil in the ground. Some may argue that the limited amount of oil found. Others argue that technology will continue in the production of cheap hydrocarbons and that the earth has estimated a huge non-conventional oil stocks, in the form of tar sand, Petummen fields, oil shale that will allow the continued use of oil for a considerable period of time.
Currently, it is almost 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. Oil accounts for almost 40% of the total consumption of energy in the United States, but it constitutes only 2% in the generation of electricity. The value of the oil lies in its portability, and the large amount of energy contained in it, which are the source of most of the vehicles, and as a feedstock in many chemical industries, making it one of the most important goods in the world. Access to it was oil the cause of many military conflicts, including World War II, the war in Iraq and Iran. And almost 80% of world oil stocks == resides in the Middle East, and almost 62.5% of it in five countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran. While America has about 3%.
• the environmental impacts of oil
Of oil a significant impact on the environmental, social, and from accidents and routine activities that accompany the production and operation, such as explosions during seismic exploration, drilling, generation of polluting wastes. The oil extraction process is expensive and sometimes harmful to the environment, despite the fact that (John Hunt from Woods Hole) noted in 1981 that more than 70% of the reserves in the world are associated candidacies large ie it does not require damage to the environment to get it, and many oil fields have been found many of them due to natural leaks. The extraction of oil near the beaches disturbs marine organisms and affect their environment. The extract oil may involve dredging, which stirs up the seabed, killing the sea plants that marine creatures need to live. The waste crude oil and fuel spills from tanker accidents have affected the correlation between living organisms (the death of one of these objects) in Alaska, the Galapagos Islands, Spain, and many other places.
Like other fossil fuels, it causes the burning of oil in the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which is thought to contribute to global warming. And in units of energy, oil produces less CO 2 quantities of coal, but more than natural gas. Due to the unique role of oil in transport operations, the reduction of emissions of CO 2 is one of the thorny issues in use. And attempts are being made to improve this Alinbosat through detention in large factories. Alternatives are renewable energy sources which already exist, although the proportion of this replacement is still small. Sun, wind and other renewable sources Tothreyadtha on the environment less of oil. Such sources replace oil in the uses that do not require the amounts of tremendous energy, such as cars, should be designed in other equipment to operate using electricity (stored in batteries) or hydrogen (via fuel cells or combustion procedure), which can be produced from renewable sources. There are also other options include the use of liquid fuel which has a biological origin (ethanol, biodiesel). There is a global trend to welcome any new ideas that contribute to the replacement of oil as fuel for transport operations .....
• Classification of Oil
Classified industries, oil crude oil according to the place of origin (for example, "WTI" or "Brent") and often by specific weight weight API (American Petroleum Institute API). Or by intensity ("light". "Medium", "heavy"), is also carrying out refining shoot it "sweet or heady" when there are small amounts of sulfur, or "over", which means the presence of large amounts of sulfur and requires further distillation to obtain the standard specifications for production.
Units of the global barrel is:
1. Brent contains 15 type of oil from the fields of Brent and Ninian system Chet Basin Land east. In general, the oil production from Europe, Africa, the Middle East beyond the western border, which seeks to determine oil prices, leading to a mark indicative. See also Brent.
2. WTI "WTI" (West Texas Intermediate WTI) oil to North America.
3. Used Dubai as a pilot for the Asia - Pacific to Middle East oil.
4. Tàpies, from Malaysia, used as a reference for light sweet crude in the Far East.
5. Tàpies, from Malaysia, used as a reference for light sweet crude in the Far East.
The OPEC basket is composed of:
1. Light oil, Saudi Arabia.
2. Nigeria Bonny Light oil.
3. Light Dubai
4. Asems Mexico (does not follow OPEC).
5. Minas Indonesia
6. Mix two months Algeria
7. Tia Joanna White Venezuela
• More countries oil producer
(In that order depending on the quantity of production, "Millions of barrels / day):
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Iraq
3. Russia
4. United States
5. Iran (OPEC)
6. Mexico
7. China
8. Norway
9. Canada
10. Venezuela (OPEC)
11. United Arab Emirates (OPEC)
12. Kuwait (OPEC)
13. Nigeria (OPEC)
14. United Kingdom
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), is an international organization Itnaashrp country dependent on oil exports heavily to achieve a turnover. And shorten its name to the OPEC and OPEC members work to increase revenues from the sale of oil in the global market. States have the members of this organization is somewhere between two thirds and three-quarters of global reserves of oil extracted. Was founded in Baghdad in 1960. By Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela. Based in Vienna. |
• Member States
There are now three of the ten Member States. According to the list below the dates of affiliation. It should be noted that, although the official language of the majority of the States 7 of the OPEC members are Arab, but the official language. OPEC is English. There is only one member country (Nigeria), and English as an official language. OPEC began with five countries, namely Kuwait Foundation, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela, but has since then added another 9 countries ..
The following are in this category:
1. Angola (December 1962)
2. Nigeria (July 1971)
3. Algeria (1969)
Middle East
1. Iran (September 1960)
2. Iraq (September 1960) (excluded from OPEC production quotas since 1998)
3. Kuwait (September 1960)
4. Qatar (December 1961)
5. Saudi Arabia (December 1960)
6. United Arab Emirates (November 1967)
South America
1. Ecuador (1963-1993, since 2007)
2. Venezuela (September 1960)
Former members
1. Gabon (full member since 1975 to 1995)
2. Indonesia (full member since 1960 to 1995)
Prospective Members
1. Bolivia, Egypt, Mexico, Sudan and Syria
2. Sudan wants Membership currently
Sudan wants Membership currently
• rated current
OPEC quotas and production of thousands of barrels per day
OPEC quotas and production of thousands of barrels per day
Share (01/07/2005)
Production (7.1)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

history of oil

• the definition of petroleum
Oil or oil (a word derived from the original Latin, "Petra" which means rock and "oleum" which means oil), also called crude oil, also has a name commonly "black gold", which is a means of thick, flammable, Brown dark green or brown, there is in the top layer of the earth's crust. Sometimes called naphtha, from Persian language ("Navt" or "Navatta" which means its ability to effect). It consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, especially of the alkane series, but differs in appearance, composition and purity strongly from one place to another. It is a source of primary energy sources extremely important (energy statistics in the world). Oil is the raw material for many chemical products, including fertilizers, insecticides, plastics.

• out of oil
Established oil of the total slum buried the bodies of countless of organelles Marine (Plankton) and plant accumulated at the bottom with the articles of rock fragmented in the form of mud has buried the organic material for thousands of years where she had lived in ancient salt water and lakes and evidence for the presence of saline water in areas of petroleum exploration or drilling during the addition to the presence of marine fossils.
It is no secret about it I found out that the recent experience of oil from the marine biologist only fragmented for a period of from four to five months only under certain circumstances.
• Installation of oil
During the liquidation process, is separated by chemical constituents of the oil by fractional distillation, a process of separation based on boiling points relative (or relative volatility). Different products (in order of boiling points), including Algazat light (such as: methane, ethane, propane) as follows: gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel, gasoline, paraffin waxes, asphalt, and so on. And modern techniques such as gas separations, HPLC, Ghazi color separation - mass spectrometer, can separate some fractions of petroleum into individual compounds, and this method of analytical chemistry, often used in the sections of quality control in oil refineries.
To be more precise, the oil consists of hydrocarbons, which in turn is composed of hydrogen, carbon, and some parts of non-carbon, which can contain nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and some small quantities of metals such as vanadium, nickel, and such elements does not exceed 1% installation of oil.
The four lightest alkanes: methane CH4, ethane C2H6, propane, C3H8, Bhutan C4H10. They are all gases. The boiling point of -161.6 C ° and -88 C ° and -42 C ° and -0.5 C °, respectively (-258.9, -127.5, -43.6, -31.1 F °).
The chains in the C5-7 are all light, easily vaporized, clear naphthas. They are used as solvents, dry cleaning fluids, and other quick-drying products. The chains from C6H14 to C12H26 are blended together and used for gasoline. Kerosene is made up of chains C10 to C15, followed by diesel fuel / heating oil in the range of C10 to C20, and is used as fuel oils heavier than that in ship engines. All of these vehicles oil liquid at room temperature. Lubricating oils and semi-solid greases (including Vaseline ®) range from C16 to C20 chains the top of the C20 be solid, starting with paraffin wax, then tar, bitumen, asphalt.
Boiling ranges of the components of oil under the influence of atmospheric pressure in fractional distillation in degrees Celsius:
1. Petroleum ether: 40 - 70 C ° is used as a solvent.
2. Light petrol: 60 - 100 C ° is used as fuel for cars.
3. Heavy petrol: 100 - 150 C ° is used as fuel for cars.
4. Light kerosene: 120 - 150 C ° is used as a solvent and fuel for homes.
5. Kerosene: 150 - 300 C ° is used as fuel for jet engines.
6. Gas oil: 250 - 350 C ° is used as fuel for diesel / heating.
7. 300 C° يستخدم زيت محركات.">Lubrication oil:> 300 C ° is used engine oil.
300 C° يستخدم زيت محركات.">8. Remaining fractions: tar, asphalt, residual fuel.
• oil extraction
In general, the first stage in the extraction of crude oil is to drill wells to reach the underground reservoir. Historically, there are some oil wells in America where oil came naturally to the surface. But most of these fields are implemented, with the exception of some limited number of places in Alaska. And are often dug many wells for the same warehouse, to get on the rate of economic extraction. In some wells may be used to pump water, steam, a mixture of different gases into the reservoir to keep the rates of economic extraction.
In the case of the underground pressure in the reservoir is sufficient, then it will force the oil out of the surface under the influence of this pressure. Gaseous fuels or natural gas are usually present, which increases the pressure of the underground. In this case, the pressure is sufficient to place a sufficient quantity of the valves on the well head to connect the well to a pipeline network for storage, and business operations. This is called the initial oil recovery. And approximately 20% of the oil in the reservoir can be extracted in this way.
During the lifetime of the well pressure decreases, and at some point not be enough to push oil to the surface. And then, if the remaining Ge well enough economically, and often be the case, the extraction of oil remaining in the well in a manner to extract additional oil. See energy balance, and net energy. And different techniques are used in a way to extract additional oil, to extract the oil from the warehouses or low-pressure. Sometimes used, such as pumps, pumping Baltalmbat persistent, deep electric pump (electrical submersible pumps ESPs) to bring the oil to the surface.
And using assistive technology to increase the reservoir's pressure by water injection, natural gas reinjection and gas lift, which injects air, carbon dioxide or other gases into the reservoir. And working methods are both initial and additional extraction of approximately 25 to 35% of the warehouse.
The third stage in the extraction of oil depends on oil to reduce the density to increase production. And begin this stage when they can not all the way Alambdip, and the way to extract additional oil, but only after ensuring the feasibility of using this method economically, and whether oil output will cover the production costs and expected profits from the well. It also depends on oil prices at the time, where it is re-run of wells that may have stopped working in the case of high oil prices. Methods of thermally enhanced oil recovery (Thermally-enhanced oil recovery methods TEOR) is a third way in order to extract oil, which rely on heating oil and make it easier to extract. Steam injection is the most widely used techniques in this way, and is often done with (TEOR) through cogeneration. The idea of cogeneration turbine is used (turbine) gas to produce electricity and use waste heat to produce steam, which is injected into the reservoir. This method is used extensively to increase oil production in the San Joaquin Valley, which contains a high density of oil, which represents approximately 10% of U.S. production. A technique used in the method (TEOR), which is burning in - place, where the oil is burned for heating oil around him. And is sometimes used detergents to reduce the density of the oil. The extraction of approximately 5 to 15% of the oil at this point.
• other ways to produce oil
Given the continuing increase in oil prices, are other ways to produce oil of interest. And fix these ideas is to convert coal into oil, which aims to convert coal into crude oil. This was the vision of leading the Germans when he stopped the import of petroleum in the Second World War, Germany found a way to extract oil from coal. And were known as "Iersatz" ("replacement" in German), estimated that half of the oil used in Germany during World War II might have been this way. Has been stopped this way then since the costs of oil production is lower than normal. However, given the continued rise in oil prices, the conversion of coal to oil may be the subject of thinking.
The method involves converting coal ash, oil in the process of multiple stages. In theory, the tons of coal produced Enkeriba 200 liters of crude oil, with products ranging from tar to rare chemicals.
• history of oil
Were drilled the first oil well in Bouhjar in the fourth century AD or earlier. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt. By the tenth century, was the use of bamboo pipes to connect the pipes to the source of salt water.
In the eighth century AD, it is paving new roads in Baghdad, using tar, which was being brought from the candidacies of oil in this region. In the ninth century AD, began the oil fields in Baku, Azerbaijan's oil production in an economical, for the first time. It was these fields are drilled for oil, has been described by the geographical Masudi in the tenth century AD, as well as Marco Polo in the thirteenth century AD, who described the oil out of these wells, saying it's like hundreds of cargo ships. See also the Islamic civilization.
And begins the modern history of oil in 1853, the discovery of oil distillation process. Was distilled oil and get it on kerosene by Ignacy Lukasiewicz, a Polish scientist. It was the first rock oil mine is created in the Purbka, near Krosno in southern Poland, in the following year was to build the first refinery (in fact the distillation) in Iollazofiz, and was also by Lukasiewicz. And these discoveries spread rapidly in the world, and the Mirzov built the first distillery in Russia in the field of natural oil in Baku in 1861.
The U.S. oil industry began Edwin Drake's discovery of oil in 1859, near m Titusvil - Pennsylvania. The growth of the industry slow somewhat in the eighteenth century AD, and was governed by the requirements for kerosene and oil lamps. The issue of national concern in the early twentieth century, at the beginning of the use of the internal combustion engine, which led to increased demand for industry in general on petroleum. Has exhausted the first discoveries in America Bnsvania Ontario, which led to the "oil crisis" in Txasa, Oklahoma, California.
In addition to what has been said, by the 1910 discovery of large oil fields in Canada, the East Indies, Iirano Venezuela, Mexico, were developing their industrial use.
However, even in 1955, coal was the fuel types in the world, and oil began to take its place after that. After the energy crisis of 1973 and the 1979 energy crisis has focused on media coverage of oil supply levels. This has led to highlight the fact that oil is limited and can be implemented, at least as a source of energy economically viable. At present, the most common expectations alarming, if not check these expectations at the time, the removal of these expectations as a way to broadcast entirely reassuring, for example, removal of the alarming prospects of the stock of oil that has been in the seventies of the twentieth century. Remains the future of petroleum as a fuel of the controversy. It is reported in the United States (2004) that there are 40 years of oil in the ground. Some may argue that the limited amount of oil found. Others argue that technology will continue in the production of cheap hydrocarbons and that the earth has estimated a huge non-conventional oil stocks, in the form of tar sand, Petummen fields, oil shale that will allow the continued use of oil for a considerable period of time.
Currently, it is almost 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. Oil accounts for almost 40% of the total consumption of energy in the United States, but it constitutes only 2% in the generation of electricity. The value of the oil lies in its portability, and the large amount of energy contained in it, which are the source of most of the vehicles, and as a feedstock in many chemical industries, making it one of the most important goods in the world. Access to it was oil the cause of many military conflicts, including World War II, the war in Iraq and Iran. And almost 80% of world oil stocks == resides in the Middle East, and almost 62.5% of it in five countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran. While America has about 3%.
• the environmental impacts of oil
Of oil a significant impact on the environmental, social, and from accidents and routine activities that accompany the production and operation, such as explosions during seismic exploration, drilling, generation of polluting wastes. The oil extraction process is expensive and sometimes harmful to the environment, despite the fact that (John Hunt from Woods Hole) noted in 1981 that more than 70% of the reserves in the world are associated candidacies large ie it does not require damage to the environment to get it, and many oil fields have been found many of them due to natural leaks. The extraction of oil near the beaches disturbs marine organisms and affect their environment. The extract oil may involve dredging, which stirs up the seabed, killing the sea plants that marine creatures need to live. The waste crude oil and fuel spills from tanker accidents have affected the correlation between living organisms (the death of one of these objects) in Alaska, the Galapagos Islands, Spain, and many other places.
Like other fossil fuels, it causes the burning of oil in the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which is thought to contribute to global warming. And in units of energy, oil produces less CO 2 quantities of coal, but more than natural gas. Due to the unique role of oil in transport operations, the reduction of emissions of CO 2 is one of the thorny issues in use. And attempts are being made to improve this Alinbosat through detention in large factories. Alternatives are renewable energy sources which already exist, although the proportion of this replacement is still small. Sun, wind and other renewable sources Tothreyadtha on the environment less of oil. Such sources replace oil in the uses that do not require the amounts of tremendous energy, such as cars, should be designed in other equipment to operate using electricity (stored in batteries) or hydrogen (via fuel cells or combustion procedure), which can be produced from renewable sources. There are also other options include the use of liquid fuel which has a biological origin (ethanol, biodiesel). There is a global trend to welcome any new ideas that contribute to the replacement of oil as fuel for transport operations .....
• Classification of Oil
Classified industries, oil crude oil according to the place of origin (for example, "WTI" or "Brent") and often by specific weight weight API (American Petroleum Institute API). Or by intensity ("light". "Medium", "heavy"), is also carrying out refining shoot it "sweet or heady" when there are small amounts of sulfur, or "over", which means the presence of large amounts of sulfur and requires further distillation to obtain the standard specifications for production.
Units of the global barrel is:
1. Brent contains 15 type of oil from the fields of Brent and Ninian system Chet Basin Land east. In general, the oil production from Europe, Africa, the Middle East beyond the western border, which seeks to determine oil prices, leading to a mark indicative. See also Brent.
2. WTI "WTI" (West Texas Intermediate WTI) oil to North America.
3. Used Dubai as a pilot for the Asia - Pacific to Middle East oil.
4. Tàpies, from Malaysia, used as a reference for light sweet crude in the Far East.
5. Tàpies, from Malaysia, used as a reference for light sweet crude in the Far East.
The OPEC basket is composed of:
1. Light oil, Saudi Arabia.
2. Nigeria Bonny Light oil.
3. Light Dubai
4. Asems Mexico (does not follow OPEC).
5. Minas Indonesia
6. Mix two months Algeria
7. Tia Joanna White Venezuela
• More countries oil producer
(In that order depending on the quantity of production, "Millions of barrels / day):
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Iraq
3. Russia
4. United States
5. Iran (OPEC)
6. Mexico
7. China
8. Norway
9. Canada
10. Venezuela (OPEC)
11. United Arab Emirates (OPEC)
12. Kuwait (OPEC)
13. Nigeria (OPEC)
14. United Kingdom
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), is an international organization Itnaashrp country dependent on oil exports heavily to achieve a turnover. And shorten its name to the OPEC and OPEC members work to increase revenues from the sale of oil in the global market. States have the members of this organization is somewhere between two thirds and three-quarters of global reserves of oil extracted. Was founded in Baghdad in 1960. By Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela. Based in Vienna. |
• Member States
There are now three of the ten Member States. According to the list below the dates of affiliation. It should be noted that, although the official language of the majority of the States 7 of the OPEC members are Arab, but the official language. OPEC is English. There is only one member country (Nigeria), and English as an official language. OPEC began with five countries, namely Kuwait Foundation, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela, but has since then added another 9 countries ..
The following are in this category:
1. Angola (December 1962)
2. Nigeria (July 1971)
3. Algeria (1969)
Middle East
1. Iran (September 1960)
2. Iraq (September 1960) (excluded from OPEC production quotas since 1998)
3. Kuwait (September 1960)
4. Qatar (December 1961)
5. Saudi Arabia (December 1960)
6. United Arab Emirates (November 1967)
South America
1. Ecuador (1963-1993, since 2007)
2. Venezuela (September 1960)
Former members
1. Gabon (full member since 1975 to 1995)
2. Indonesia (full member since 1960 to 1995)
Prospective Members
1. Bolivia, Egypt, Mexico, Sudan and Syria
2. Sudan wants Membership currently
Sudan wants Membership currently
• rated current
OPEC quotas and production of thousands of barrels per day
OPEC quotas and production of thousands of barrels per day
Share (01/07/2005)
Production (7.1)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates